* indicates the tracks Vreny plays on.
If there’s no * then Vreny plays on all tracks on that album.
+ indicates tracks Vreny wrote or co-wrote.
If there’s no * then Vreny plays on all tracks on that album.
+ indicates tracks Vreny wrote or co-wrote.
CLICK on the album artwork to PURCHASE the album or songs from the album

Madland (Automatik Eden)
- Gold To Straw
- Madland
- Citadel
- Love
- Seven Days
- Open
- Suicide Line
- If You Need
- Chimera
- The Agency
- Long In Love

The Places You’ll Go (Anna Renee)
- Guilty
- Pendulum
- The Places You’ll Go
- Sharks
- Ready For Flight+
- Battle Cry

Grace Gravity (Teri Hitt)
- Dreamer
- Time Of The Turning
- Zero Hour*
- Wall of Fog*
- Turn Your Light On
- Here And Now
- Part Of It All
- Be Here Now
- Immortals*
- War Against War*
- Do It Again<
- Stone*
- Slipping Trains of Thought*
- Change Your Mind*

Cognitive Dissonance
(Angela Leo)
(Angela Leo)
- Just Hold On+
- Unspared+
- You’d Be Here+
- Trying+
- Spring+
- Waves Of The Tide*+
- The One+
- Initiates*+
- Beach Song+
- This Morning+

Stick It (The Swagger Sticks)
- Worldwide Pop Star
- She Wants Everything
- Here Comes The Cougar
- Borstal Breakout
- Arrivederci Pittsburgh
- Closed Circuit Television
- I Wanna Rock (On Plymouth Rock)*
- Worldwide Pop Star (TV Theme)
Cory Phillips
- Alright Tonight*
- Woman Is The Devil*
- Good Time
- Go Now Elena
- Spooky Jones*
- Take My Love*
- Just Another Man*
- Lose Control*
- Woman
- Wings Inside Your Love*
- Sister Sunshine*
- Jive*
- Best Time For Leaving*
- Got To Make Love To You*
- Where Is The Freedom?
Morning (Amel Larrieux)
- Trouble
- Unanswered Question
- “No One Else”
- Earn My Affections
- Weary
- Morning*
- Gills and Tails*
- Magic
- Just Once
- Mountain of When
War Of Righteousness (Matt Konfirst)
- Serenity Defiled
- Veni Vidi Vici
- Majesty*
- Psychedelic Mindview
- Manifest of Destiny
- Illusions of Hubris
- For the Moment
- War of Righteousness
- The Edge of Tomorrow

Vreny’s 3-song EP
- Goodbye Friend+
- Arabian Nights+
- Millennium+

Nomen Nescio
- Encounter+
- Future Plans+
- Perfect Day+
- Pride+
- Berklee+
- Seas of love+
- Alone again+
- Farewell+
- Waves+