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Chapter 1 Superstar Results Practice
96-Bar drill
Audio PlayerPractice Plan and Results Tracking Page
Chapter 3 The Major Scale
Audio PlayerChapter 4 Single-String Soloing
You can use the same above backing track. Here’s another one that you can use.
Audio PlayerHere are some bonus reading materials about single-string soloing.
Detailed Single-String Soloing Instructions
Some Bonus Benefits You Get From Single-String Soloing
Chapter 5 The Minor Pentatonic Scale
Audio PlayerHere’s the same track in 11 more keys, up circle of 4ths.
Audio PlayerGm
Audio PlayerCm
Audio PlayerFm
Audio PlayerBbm
Audio PlayerEbm / D#m
Audio PlayerAbm / G#m
Audio PlayerDbm / C#m
Audio PlayerGbm / F#m
Audio PlayerBm
Audio PlayerEm
Audio Player1-Chord Grooves All Major Keys.
Audio PlayerF
Audio PlayerBb
Audio PlayerEb
Audio PlayerAb
Audio PlayerDb
Audio PlayerF#
Audio PlayerB
Audio PlayerE
Audio PlayerA
Audio PlayerD
Audio PlayerG
Audio Player1-Chord Grooves All Minor Keys.
Audio PlayerDm
Audio PlayerGm
Audio PlayerCm
Audio PlayerFm
Audio PlayerBbm
Audio PlayerEbm / D#m
Audio PlayerAbm / G#m
Audio PlayerDbm / C#m
Audio PlayerGbm / F#m
Audio PlayerBm
Audio PlayerEm
Audio PlayerChapter 6 The Hindustan Scale
Audio Player Audio PlayerChapter 7 Pentatonic Substitution
II Valt I in C
Audio PlayerSame progression, different arrangement
Audio PlayerHere’s a bossa version
Audio PlayerDm7 1 Chord Groove
(see above minor tracks in chapter 5)
Galt 1 Chord Groove
Audio PlayerChapter 8 Creative Pent. Chord Progressions
G | F | C | Bb D |
Audio PlayerA7 | G7 | C7 | D7 |
Audio PlayerBlues in A: chords are A7, D7 and E7
Audio Player Audio PlayerBlues in G: chords are G7, C7 and D7
Audio PlayerG7 | D7 | C7 | A7 | D7 | E7
Audio PlayerG7 A7 C7 D7 E7
Audio PlayerGm Bb D7
Audio PlayerCmaj7 Bbmaj7 Gmaj7 Fmaj7
Audio PlayerA7 Bbmaj7
Audio PlayerBb one-chord groove (Lydian)
Audio PlayerBb | A | C | Dm |
Audio PlayerF G A7 Bb
Audio PlayerF G A Bb C D
Audio PlayerF Gm A
Audio PlayerA7 F#m7b5 Bbmaj7
Audio PlayerA7 F#m7b5 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7
Audio PlayerF Gm A7 Bb C D Em
Audio PlayerWhile you can make random progressions with all these chords, some will sound far out with the A minor scale, like following progression. It works and sounds better the more chord tones you hit in the solo. (E and G notes over Em, A E and C over F#alt, D and A notes over Bm7)
Em7 F#7alt Bm7
Audio PlayerFollowing is the same chord progression, with a Bbmaj7 chord added. Notice how this progression connects a bit better to the A minor pentatonic scale.
Em7 F#7alt Bm7 Bbmaj7
Audio PlayerC7 F#7alt Bm7
Audio PlayerChapter 11 The Modes
C Ionian track
Audio PlayerD dorian track
Audio PlayerE Phrygian
Audio PlayerF Lydian
Audio PlayerG mixo
Audio PlayerA Aeolian
Audio PlayerB Locrian
Audio PlayerChapter 12 In-Position Scale Fingerings
Use any of the tracks of Chapter 11.
Chapter 13 Improvisation Over IVm
The book explains a couple of chapters later what “modal interchange” means.
Modal interchange is the name of a composition/songwriting concept, that consists of borrowing chords from parallel scales when writing chord progressions for a song or composition. Parallel scales are what we call scales that are all in the same key, or in other words, all start on the same starting note. A C major scale, C minor, C dorian, C phrygian, C whole tone scale, C harmonic minor scale etc. are all parallel scales.
So modal interchance is what you apply, when you use a chord from a C minor scale for example, in your C major song. The ending chorus to The Beatles “Happiness Is A Warm Gun’, is only one of many modal interchange chord examples. The chord progression, in the key of C is: ||: C Am F G :|| and suddenly has an Fm chord. That Fm chord, borrowed from a C minor scale and here used in this C major scale song section, creates a change in the mood and vibe of the song.
You can learn more about it here Learn more about modal interchange chords
Audio PlayerChapter 14 Improvisation Over bVImaj7
Audio PlayerChapter 16 The Whole Tone Scale
C C F G7 -> play G Whole Tone scale over the G chord
Audio PlayerC C F G7#5 -> play G Whole Tone scale over the G chord
Audio PlayerC7#5 | D7#5 | E7#5 | F#7#5 | G#7#5 | Bb7#5
Audio PlayerC9#5 | D9#5 | E9#5 | F#9#5 | G#9#5 | Bb9#5
Audio PlayerChapter 17 Interval Theory
Besides 7th and 6th chords, there’s another type of 4-note chords I didn’t list at the beginning of the chapter. “add” chords are 4-note chords too. They consist of a triad (a root, a 3rd – major or minor – and a 5th) with an added note. For example: Cadd9, which consists of the notes C E G D.
You can solo with the intervals covered in the book, using any of the backing tracks of the Modes chapter 11.
Chapter 18 The 3rd Interval
Use any of the tracks in Chapter 11 The Modes, to solo with the intervals covered in the book.
Chapter 21 All Triads in C
Of course, one of the issues with Kindle and e-Reader books, is that the graphics look so small they become completely useless.
Here is a PDF with all those triads.
Chapter 22 Voice-Leading Cycles
To learn more about voice-leading and see one of the cycles transcribed, check out: Voice leading with triads
Cycle 2
Audio PlayerCycle 3
Audio PlayerCycle 4
Audio PlayerCycle 5
Audio PlayerCycle 6
Audio PlayerCycle 7
Audio PlayerChapter 23 Triad Subst. Over G7
G7 1 Chord Groove
Audio PlayerCmaj7 1 Chord Groove
Audio PlayerC C G G
Audio PlayerChapter 24 The dim7 Passing Chord
C F F#dim7 G
Audio PlayerC G7 G#dim7 Am
Audio PlayerCmaj7 C#dim7 | Dm7 D#dim7 | Em7 | Fmaj7 F#dim7 | G7 G#dim7 | Am7 A#dim7 | Bm7b5 | Cmaj7 ||
Audio PlayerChapter 25 The Augmented Line Cliché
| C | Caug | C6 | C7 | F ||
Audio PlayerF | Bb | C | Caug | C6 | C7 | F
Audio Player| C | Caug | C6 | C7 | F | Fm | G | Gaug | G6 | G7 | C ||
Audio PlayerChapter 26 Writing in Modes
Audio PlayerDm G Am Dm
Audio PlayerEm F G F Em
Audio PlayerF G C F
Audio PlayerF Bm7b5 C F
Audio PlayerG C Dm G
Audio PlayerG Am Dm G
Audio PlayerAm Dm Em Am
Audio PlayerBm7b5 Em F Bm7b5
Audio PlayerAll in the key of C
C Ionian
Audio PlayerC Dorian –> Cm7 F7 Gm7 Cm7
Audio PlayerC Phrygian –> Cm7 | Dbmaj7 | Eb7 Dbmaj7| Cm7 ||
Audio PlayerC Lydian –> Cmaj7 D7 Gmaj7 Cmaj7
Audio PlayerCmaj7 F#m7b5 Gmaj7 Cmaj7
Audio PlayerC Mixo –> C7 Fmaj7 Gm7 C7
Audio PlayerC7 Dm7 Gm7 C7
Audio PlayerC Aeolian –> Cm7 Fm7 Gm7 Cm7
Audio PlayerC Locrian –> Cm7b5 Fm7 Gbmaj7 Cm7b5
Audio PlayerChapter 29 Ear-Training
The Ear Training Practice Links
The Ear Training Website
Chapter 30 The 4 Schools Of Technique Practice
Chapter 31 The 24 Finger-Combinations
The 24-Finger Combinations Bpm Tracking
Chapter 33 Guide Tone Comping
Blues Track in G
Audio PlayerChapter 34 +80 Ways to Improve Guitar Solos
Will occasionally add new videos here to showcase the different improvisation tricks and techniques discussed in the book.
A quick addition to number 46 in the list “Use One-Note Tapping”: It’s not only rock guys or shredders who use one-note taps. You can hear a great example of one-note tapping being used as an expression and phrasing tool in the Steely Dan song “Kid Charlemagne”. At the end of the solo, Larry Carlton bends a D note on the G string, then while holding the bend, taps onto the A note on the 14th fret of that string at 3:05.
Chapter 35 Secondary Dominants
V7/II –> Cmaj7 A7 Dm7 G7
Audio PlayerV7/III –> Cmaj7 B7 Em7 G7
Audio PlayerV7/IV –> Cmaj7 C7 Fmaj7 G7
Audio PlayerV7/V –> Cmaj7 Am7 D7 G7
Audio PlayerV7/VI –> Cmaj7 E7 Am G7
Audio PlayerV7/VII –> Cmaj7 Fmaj7 F#7 Bm7b5
As you know from reading the book, there is no secondary dominant for VII.
I just included a track here so you can hear what I discussed in the book.
Audio PlayerChapter 37 Major Blues Rhythm Styles
Blues Track in G
Audio PlayerBlues Track in A
Audio PlayerFREE BONUS Chapters
guitar essentials bonus chapters
More FREE BONUS Materials and Lessons
Pentatonic Voicings
Minor Pentatonic Scale Patterns
Minor Pentatonic Scale Patterns
Here’s the link to the dropbox page where I’ll post all backing tracks for download.
One of the problems with Kindle (and e-readers) is that graphics don’t always display well on their small screens.
Click on following URL to access better versions of the graphics.
The Guitar Essentials Graphics