Picking Vs. Strumming, Awesome Guitars and Some Humor
Picking Vs. Strumming, Awesome Guitars and Some Humor I oftentimes have to fix the picking hand technique of my students who oftentimes get confused about when to pick and when to strum. The hand that holds the pick, deals with 2 techniques only in everything guitar playing. Picking This is the technique you use when … Picking Vs. Strumming, Awesome Guitars and Some Humor

Tagged Custard Pie, guitar technique, guitars, picking, strumming, Whole Lotta Love, Wish You Were Here
Practice & Master Odd Rhythm Divisions On Your Walk (Part 2)
The Footsteps Metronome: Counting while Walking (Part 2) In the following rhythm with triplets, you would want to start off, just counting 1 – 2 – 3 on every footstep, till you get the feel for it. Even more so than was the case with the even-numbered divisions: it is important that you count “oooonneee … Practice & Master Odd Rhythm Divisions On Your Walk (Part 2)
Practice & Master Odd Rhythm Divisions On Your Walk
The Footsteps Metronome: Counting While Walking One of the things many music students find challenging is the ability to evenly perform rhythms combining odd and even subdivisions. Music schools and teachers have a certain way of teaching how to do this, which runs contrary to the whole core nature of what rhythm is all about. … Practice & Master Odd Rhythm Divisions On Your Walk
How to play Steve Winwood’s “I’m A Man” On Guitar
How to play Stevie Winwood’s “I’m A Man” On Guitar Stevie already sounded like a 40-year-old black soul singer when he was a teenager. Here’s the studio version: The song only has 2 song sections: verse and chorus. It keeps alternating between those 2 song sections. As you might be able to detect by ear, … How to play Steve Winwood’s “I’m A Man” On Guitar
What Is The Most Important Music or Guitar Thing To Learn?
What Is The Most Important Music or Guitar Thing To Learn? ET Time-feel Notes in Chords Intervals Ear Training Of all the things you could be practicing or working on, ear training is by far the absolute most important thing to work on. Here’s a really bold claim I strongly believe in: If for the … What Is The Most Important Music or Guitar Thing To Learn?