Cool Guitar Gear and Awesome Guitars
The Strymon Nightsky Pedal This is a pretty remarkable pedal creating lush, synthy sounds. The Mel-9 Mellotron Pedal The guys at Electro-Harmonix are genius. I totally want that pedal. Mellotron is my all-time favorite sound. The Electro-Harmonix C9 Organ Machine Equally crazy and impressive is their pedal that makes guitars sound like organs. It totally … Cool Guitar Gear and Awesome Guitars
Interesting and Iconic Guitars, Fun Memes, and Finger Independence
Finger Independence This is a pretty crazy brain drill. Your head might start smoking after a while. Ideally, you would want to first spend some time with the 24 finger combinations I wrote about in the past. Speed On Guitar Is The Byproduct of Accuracy You need to get some proficiency with those first before … Interesting and Iconic Guitars, Fun Memes, and Finger Independence

Tagged dexterity, guitars, speed, technique training
Picking Vs. Strumming, Awesome Guitars and Some Humor
Picking Vs. Strumming, Awesome Guitars and Some Humor I oftentimes have to fix the picking hand technique of my students who oftentimes get confused about when to pick and when to strum. The hand that holds the pick, deals with 2 techniques only in everything guitar playing. Picking This is the technique you use when … Picking Vs. Strumming, Awesome Guitars and Some Humor

Tagged Custard Pie, guitar technique, guitars, picking, strumming, Whole Lotta Love, Wish You Were Here
3-Note-Per-String Scale Fingerings, Guitars & Humor
3-Note Per String Scale Fingerings Technically fast guitarists for whom speed and technical playing is a major part of their style, LOVE using these 3-note-per string scale fingerings. As you can see on the following graphic, those fingerings are not in-position fingerings. Each fingering combines 2 positions; with a physical move up into the next … 3-Note-Per-String Scale Fingerings, Guitars & Humor

Tagged guitar solos, improvisation, scale fingerings, scales, soloing, speed
Reroute the Audio in Your Studio for Top Level Skype Lessons
I raised the quality of what I am offering my Skype and Zoom guitar and music students when I started using my CanonM50 for video. I also route all audio through my RME Fireface UFX+ now, instead of sending out webcam audio. My students now get amazing audio and video coming from me in their lessons. This blog post explains the routing and set up in my studio.