
Tagged with 'ZOT Zin Students'

ZOT Zin Guitar Students In Action

ZOT Zin Guitar Students In Action I thought it would be fun to put the spotlight on some of the people who study with me. I love all these people a lot. They make my day. I will feature more students on my blog in the next couple of weeks. Joshua Picard from Ninefinger Brian ZOT Zin Guitar Students In Action

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ZOT Zin Music Presents: Hudson Henry

I LOVE All The Peeps Who Study Guitar & Music With Me. I love my students, simply because they make it possible for me to do the one thing I love more than anything else: “Teaching Music” Without my students, there would be no teaching music for me. All that being said: It occurred to ZOT Zin Music Presents: Hudson Henry

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This is Why Everybody Wants to Study Guitar With Us!

This is Why Everybody Wants to Study Guitar With Us! Meet Olga Dubchak. ZOT Zin Music student Olga Dubchak is seen in this video, in her 3rd week of guitar lessons. She went, from a complete beginner who did not even know how to hold her guitar… to being able to play “Smoke On The This is Why Everybody Wants to Study Guitar With Us!

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