
Tagged with 'Rhythm | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande'

One of The Best Rhythm Exercises To Develop Amazing Timefeel

One of The Best Rhythm Exercises To Develop Amazing Timefeel This is an exercise I give all my intermediate guitar students. Even advanced students often still benefit a lot from doing this exercise. This is an exercise to train and improve time-feel, which is the internal clock a musician develops. This internal clock, allows the One of The Best Rhythm Exercises To Develop Amazing Timefeel

Facebooktwittermail Posted in Music Theory, Rhythm |
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My Top 10 Favorite Song Grooves

My Top 10 Favorite Song Grooves This blog is my tribute to the rhythm section. I am very well aware that in a blog about rock grooves, that you would expect lots of Rage Against The Machine, Led Zeppelin’s John Bonham, or Red Hot Chili Peppers. Not in this blog. This blog lists my personal My Top 10 Favorite Song Grooves

Facebooktwittermail Posted in Performing, Rhythm |
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How Your Posture Affects Your Timing and Rhythmic Feel

How Your Posture Affects Your Timing and Rhythmic Feel I will never forget the first advanced rhythm class I had with Mitch Haupers at Berklee College of Music many years ago. Up to that class, I had always been unhappy with my swing feel. I used to have the same reaction to hearing a recording How Your Posture Affects Your Timing and Rhythmic Feel

Facebooktwittermail Posted in Jamming, Performing, Rhythm |
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10 Guitar Things You Can Practice Without a Guitar

The Value of Practicing Away From The Guitar Although you might not always have a guitar at hand to practice on the spot, there are many things you can still practice when you don’t have a guitar with you. As a matter of fact: really great musicians have gotten to the level they are at 10 Guitar Things You Can Practice Without a Guitar

Facebooktwittermail Posted in ZOT Zin Music and Guitar Lessons |
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10 Mistakes That Slow Down Guitar Student’s Progress

10 Mistakes That Slow Down Guitar Student’s Progress Everything is mental. Your progress is for a great deal dependent upon your mind, mental state, thoughts, and beliefs. In order to maximize the outcome of your musical development, it helps to be positive and adopt a mindset geared towards progress and towards learning without pressure. Not 10 Mistakes That Slow Down Guitar Student’s Progress

Facebooktwittermail Posted in Life, Love, Peace and Spirituality, ZOT Zin Music and Guitar Lessons |
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