Tagged with 'Constant structure'
Constant Structure: A Chord Idea that Leads to Great Songs
What is Constant Structure? Constant structure is a harmonization (and performance) concept in which you harmonize each individual note in a melody with exactly the same chord structure underneath each note in that melody. In other words: You harmonize a melody (meaning: the focus is on the melody, NOT on the chord progression), with EXACTLY … Constant Structure: A Chord Idea that Leads to Great Songs
Songwriting Tricks and Secret Every Songwriter Should Know
Songwriting Tricks and Secret Every Songwriter Should Know The process of writing songs gets more fun the better you get at it. The more you know about harmony, melody, and song form, the better your songs will get. That knowledge also makes the songwriting process much more effective, and hence less tedious. The feeling you … Songwriting Tricks and Secret Every Songwriter Should Know

Tagged Chords | - Part 3 Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Constant structure, drone, harmony, line cliche, Modal Interchange, Music Theory | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Open tunings, Ostinato, pedalboard, Secondary Dominants, songwriting, Tritone Substitution V7’s. Dim 7th chords