Tagged with 'bending'
The Proper Thumb Position
The Proper Thumb Position Most music schools teach guitar students to keep their thumb behind the guitar neck. Although many great guitarists, like example Pat Metheny, constantly play with their thumb over the guitar neck, keeping your thumb behind the fretboard is considered the “proper” guitar technique. For technical shredding guitar playing, with wide scalar … The Proper Thumb Position
Tagged bending, bending notes, Guitar Technique | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, hand position, muting, Posture | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande, Technique | Los Angeles Guitar Lessons by Vreny Van Elslande
Guitar Fretting Hand Position: The Dos and the Don’ts
Guitar Fretting Hand Position: The Dos and the Don’ts You will find a lot of resources on correct guitar hand positions when you scour the Internet. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misinformation. Here is a list of guitar hand position dos and don’ts that will help your technique, improve your guitar playing and protect … Guitar Fretting Hand Position: The Dos and the Don’ts