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Funny Memes, Great Quotes and Awesome Guitars

Great Quotes “The liar’s punishment is not in the least that he is not believed, but that he cannot believe anyone else.” (George Bernard Shaw) “If you keep on saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of becoming a prophet.”. (Isaac Bashevis Singer) “If it is not right do not Funny Memes, Great Quotes and Awesome Guitars

Facebooktwittermail Posted in Guitar Gear, Guitar Humor |
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Great Quotes, Jokes and Nice Guitars

Great Quotes “Honesty is not a policy, it’s a state of mind” (Eugene LHote) “If you add to the truth, you subtract from it” (The Talmud) “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” (Theodore Roosevelt) “Success is not getting what you want, it’s enjoying what you have.” (Glen Campbell) “Wealth consists Great Quotes, Jokes and Nice Guitars

Facebooktwittermail Posted in Guitar Gear, Guitar Humor, Inspiration |
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Writing Songs in Modes

Writing Songs in Modes First off, if you need to brush up on your modes, you can do so here: The Modes Explained Through the years, many students and musician friends have asked me how to write songs in different modes. While it’s good to know the scale structure of each mode, a good start Writing Songs in Modes

Facebooktwittermail Posted in Harmony/Chords, Music Theory, Song-Writing |
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Advanced Wayne Krantz Influenced Soloing Technique

Advanced Improvisation Technique Influenced by Wayne Krantz In case you need an introduction to Wayne Krantz, here are some videos of him performing live. As you can tell, Wayne has an incredibly unique style and personality as a guitarist. While I was in Berklee, I had the good fortune to study private instruction for a Advanced Wayne Krantz Influenced Soloing Technique

Facebooktwittermail Posted in Melody/Improv, Music Theory |
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Guitars and Humor

Guitars and Humor This German company makes aluminum guitar necks. They even have an all-aluminum guitar. I like the chrome, shiny, polished look. German engineering with classic, timeless design. Baguley Guitars Aluminum Neck Guitars Blue Metallic Beauty Crazy Gorgeous Burl Delft Porcelain Elaborate Carved Woodwork Eye-Catching with Classic Look Grey Red Oddity Innovative Headless Design Guitars and Humor

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