A Collection of My Favorite, Most Addictive Music Sites


A Collection of My Favorite, Most Addictive Music Sites

We all have them, these sites where you just can’t stop surfing the site because the content is so cool.

There aren’t that many musician sites that are addictive, but I think you might get sucked into following.

I know I sure keep regularly coming back to the following sites.

So you’re either going to love me or hate me for sharing this info haha… but either way: here it is!

  1. ArtistFacts.

    This is where you can learn super fun trivia, like for example that Freddie Mercury had a stamp collection, or that David Bowie in his art student years, was a student of Peter Frampton’s dad, or that British scientist named a dinosaur after Mark Knopfler from Dire Straits.


  2. Musicians Are So Much Sexier Than Normal People

    Well, we all know THAT! 🙂
    This site is effin hysterical.

    Following is one of the endless collections of musician’s jokes and funny pictures on the site.



  3. Cracked.

    “Cracked’ contains a collection of funny blog posts about bands and musicians. (i.e. “23 Insane True Stories Behind Famous Musician Stage Names”)


  4. Funny Music Pictures on FB

    There are tons of Facebook pages and groups with tons of hysterical music pictures and memes. You can just search from them on FB

  5. Music Quotes


Not music related, but too good not to include on this list.

I wanted to list 2 more sites here because I have had way too much fun on these to keep this info from you.
They are not musician sites, but they are worth mentioning here anyway.

  1. Engrish

    Have fun with hysterically wrong translations to English in Asian countries.
    The captions people place underneath the pictures are very often EVEN funnier than the picture.


  2. Damn You Autocorrect.

    Hysterical smartphone auto-corrections.


Hope you will enjoy the fun stuff on those sites as much as I always do.


Hit me up anytime at vreny@zotzinmusic.com if you have any questions, or if you would like to book a lesson.

These free lessons are cool, but you will never experience the progress, joy, and results that my students experience in lessons when you’re learning by yourself from blogs and videos.

That is why people take lessons: way better results and progress, much more complete information, exposed to way more creative ideas than you can get from a blog or YouTube video.
There is only so much that self-study can accomplish.

If you want to see amazing results and progress in your guitar playing, buy your first lesson here and get started ASAP.

  • 1 Lesson = 75

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