Improve Your Fretboard, Theory and Scale Knowledge with One Exercise
Today’s blog is going to be short and sweet but will do a lot for your playing and fretboard knowledge.
- Pick a string
- Starting from the lowest note you can plan on that string, walk up and down a C major scale.
- Then walk up and down an F major scale.
- Then a Bb major scale
- Keep going up through all 12 keys in 4ths.
- If too easy: do it with a metronome at a reasonably fast speed. Play two 8th notes per beat, or faster metronome speed quarter notes.
To raise the ante: avoid leaving a space between the keys, seamlessly moving from one key into the next without missing a beat. - Do this on every string.
When you master this exercise with the major scale, you could do the same drill with a melodic minor scale in all 12 keys, whole tone scale, harmonic minor, or any scale you want to practice.
If you have never done this before:
You might be surprised at how challenging this seemingly easy drill is.
If you do know your fretboard pretty well already:
you’ll be surprised at how quickly and strongly this linear way of practicing scales will improve your ability to move more effortlessly between positions.
Hit me up anytime at if you have any questions, or if you would like to book a lesson.
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That is why people take lessons: way better results and progress, much more complete information, exposed to way more creative ideas than you can get from a blog or YouTube video.
There is only so much that self-study can accomplish.
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