My New Book Beginner Guitar Bootcamp Launches this Thursday
Yaaay… I am about to publish a new book this Thursday: Beginner Guitar Bootcamp. I’m proud of this 110-page publication that makes learning guitar super easy.
Here’s the book:
As a promo, I’m offering it for FREE at this very moment. It’s in presale for FREE till publication this Thursday the 15th of September.
Not only do you get my book for free – you will also tremendously help me achieve one of my most important goals.
I only have 10 more REALLY important goals I want to achieve in my life. Here they are:
The red-colored goals are ones I achieved already since writing that list about a year ago. I keep copies of that list all around the house. It’s also my desktop wallpaper.
I could potentially achieve the 4th goal (from the bottom of the list) this week: Becoming a #1 best-selling author.
But just like all big achievements, I cannot do it alone. I need 5 seconds of your time to click on the following graphic and hit download
I am giving it away for free in the next 3 days to make easier for my friends and loved ones to help me hit #1 Best-Seller.
If not for yourself, you can also gift “Beginner Guitar Bootcamp” to your kid, spouse, or friends who might have an interest in picking up the guitar.
Tell everyone you know about it and ask anyone you know to go download the free book.
I’m super proud of this publication. I’ve developed, tested, and fine-tuned the Beginner Guitar Bootcamp guitar learning approach to perfection in past years. ALL my beginner guitar students who walk in not knowing how to hold a guitar, without any exception, can strum about 20-30 songs along with the album recordings when they walk out of their first lesson an hour later.
It is possible to learn how to play over a hundred songs in only 7 days, even if you never played before.
If, on the other hand, you’ve been playing guitar for years: this book is also a fantastic repertoire resource. You can use it as a directory of about 150 easy songs that you can add to your setlist without having to have any band rehearsals. It’s a great way to supercharge your already existing repertoire or greatly expand your current setlist.
With this book, you can entertain your audiences and friends at campfire get-togethers or on stage for many hours without having to learn any new songs. (Even if you first picked up guitar only a couple of days ago).
You can also use the book to teach your friends, kids, or other loved ones how to play guitar. The book is so well-structured and well-written that your loved one is going to be able to play a ton of songs within only an hour of first picking up the guitar. (Even if you totally suck at teaching haha).
If you want to know what it feels like to be a world-class guitar coach: this is the book for you. Whomever you teach guitar with this book will progress so well, they will think you’re a master teacher.
Just so you don’t start thinking we’re talking “children’s songs,” here are some of the artists whose songs I teach in the book:
Bob Marley
Talking Heads
Leonard Cohen
Bruce Springsteen
George Thorogood
Howlin Wolf
Kendrick Lamar
The Police
Led Zeppelin
Creedence Clearwater Revival
Aretha Franklin
The Beatles
Sonny & Cher
Sly and the Family Stone
Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Nick Drake
Cardi B
David Crosby
Bob Dylan
Paul McCartney
Tom Petty
The Who
Kate Bush
Pink Floyd
Jimi Hendrix
The Velvet Underground
Lily Allen
Robin Thicke
John Lennon
BB King
The Doors
Eric Clapton
Neil Young
Fleetwood Mac
Alanis Morissette
Lynyrd Skynyrd
4 Non Blondes
Lenny Kravitz
… and many more.
There’s even a Steely Dan song. Imagine that you’ve only been playing guitar for less than a week, and you can already strum a Steely Dan song along with the record.
Another thing worth pointing out is that the impact and importance of giving me 5 seconds of your time to go download this book, will have a reach that expands way beyond just supporting my best-selling author goal.
Music is good for the mind. It also grows interaction, fosters mutual understanding and compassion, and brings people together. By developing ways to make learning guitar much easier and much more fun, I can turn more people to guitar and thus contribute to bringing more people together in a shared love of music. This is my way of making the world a better place. That best-seller status that your support will help me earn, will make it possible for me to ramp things up and do more good on a much larger scale.
So… Thank you super, unbelievably much.
I will post status updates on my social media on launch day (15 Sept) so you can follow the book’s climb up to #1 Best Seller. After all: if I indeed succeed, then that is because YOU made it happen – so you can as well share in the excitement and joy. The paperback is already published. If you prefer a physical copy – you can currently also get it on Amazon. Each sold copy of the paperback brings me on step closer to best-seller status as well.
I cannot emphasize enough how much your contribution will help. There is no way I can do this without you.
So don’t delay: go get it right now while it’s free.
You can read this ebook on all devices. Simply download the free Amazon/Kindle/e-reader app on any smart phone, computer, or tablet and you can take this book with you anywhere you go.
If don’t have a Kindle or you don’t have an eBook reader app: download it on Amazon anyway and shoot me a quick message at, If you prefer a pdf version of the book or a file format used by other e-reader. I will immediately send you the ePub or pdf file so you can read the book anywhere on any device without the need of an e-reader app.
Contact me anytime if you have any questions.
Lastly… There’s some extra high-quality bonus stuff I want to give you in return for that support.
The following link will only be in this message for the next 3 days. After that, I’ll remove the link. This only goes to you: my email list readers and members. The only other people who have access to this are the buyers of my first book “Guitar Essentials”.
Here’s the link:
The Free Bonus tracks and chapters from my previous book Guitar Essentials
Scroll down to the bottom of that webpage to find the URL from where you can download all the backing tracks and resources to your computer, neatly organized in folders for each chapter in Guitar Essentials. It’s enough music to have you jamming and improving your soloing skills for many hours.
All I ask in return is if you could spare 5 seconds to help me achieve my dream of becoming a best-selling author. With your help, I can do it.
Here’s the link one more time the the Amazon pre-order page where you can get the book for free:
If you do so right away, I can stack up “sales”/downloads in the meantime, and explode the book charts on the 15th when my book launches.
Thank you! I sincerely appreciate your support a lot.
Much love and cheers,
PS: if you already own my first book Guitar Essentials, I can send you other bonus materials so you get some special extras too that nobody else yet has. In that case, shoot me an email too.