I Just Published Master The Guitar Fretboard #1 Amazon Best-Seller

Master The Guitar Fretboard Is Now Out on Amazon

I managed to hit #1 Best-Seller in 3 book categories simultaneously on Amazon with my newly published book Master The Guitar Fretboard.

Master The Guitar Fretboardis THE best method to master the fretboard in a very short time. I only know because I bought and borrowed EVERY fretboard book and made it better and more effective than any fretboard book out there.

I was happy to hit #1 in the following 3 categories on Amazon:

In Songwriting

In Songbooks

In Music Theory

I currently priced the Kindle version at the lowest that Amazon allowed me. For less than the price of a coffee, you can own the latest Vreny book.
I’ll probably raise the price to what other authors charge for a book of this size and quality at the end of this week.

Master The Guitar Fretboard is also available as paperback and hardcover.

I welcome all the support I can get, so please go check it out.

Hope you LOVE it. 🙂

Thank you very much.

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