Chord Masterclass: Use Chords You Know to Create 9th Chords

Use Chords You Know to Create 9th Chords

An easy way to add a 9th to a chord is by playing the chord in the scale that is up 3 letters from that chord, as a 7th chord.

I know this sounds complicated when explained like this, but the examples will clear it all up.

For example:

In the key of C, if you want to turn Cmaj7 into Cmaj9, play the chord up 3 letters. That is Em7

Maj9 Chords

You turn a maj7 chord, into a maj9 chord when you play the chord up a major 3rd from that maj7 chord
That chord up a major 3rd from the maj7 chord is a m7 chord.


Whenever you see a Cmaj7 chord, you can ALWAYS play an Em7 chord instead.
This turns the Cmaj7 chord into Cmaj9

The notes in an Em7 chord are: E G B D

When you play Em7 over the bass player hitting a C bass note…
Your chord becomes C E G B D = Cmaj9

9 (V9) Chords

To create an A V9 chord, play the chord that is up a 3rd from the V chord in the scale, as a 7th (4-note) chord.


In the key of C, what is the V chord
Answer: G7

What is the chord up a 3rd from G7?
Answer: Bm7b5

Dominant V7 chords can always be replaced with VIIm7b5 chords

When the bass player hits a G bass note under you playing a Bm7b5 chord, this gives the notes


This is a G9 chord

m9 Chords

Same idea: play the chord in the scale that is up a 3rd interval from the chord you are reading.


The song or music you’re reading has a Dm7 chord.
You can make it sound like a Dm9 chord simply by playing the chord in the scale that is up 3 letters from D

In the key of C: instead of playing Dm7, play Fmaj7 (F is up a 3rd from D) if you want to create a Dm9 sound.

When the bass player hits a D bass note under you playing a Fmaj7 chord, this gives the notes


These are the notes that make up a Dm9 chord.

How to Put This Into Practice?

As a fun drill: pick a common chord progression, like for example, I VI II V

Cmaj7 Am7 Dm7 G7

With a looper pedal, play/record the bass notes of these chords, 1 bar each.
Another option: get a backing track that plays those 4 chords.

Then play over that backing track or recorded bass part…

but instead of strumming those chords, play the chords in the scale that are up a 3rd from the chords that are written.

Meaning: you see this chord progression Cmaj7 Am7 Dm7 G7

But you play

Em7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Bm7b5 (all these chords are up a 3rd from what you are reading)

When you do that, with the bass player hitting C A D and G bass notes

Your Em7 | Cmaj7 | Fmaj7 | Bm7b5 | chords that you are playing, actually sound like

Cmaj9 | Am9 | Dm9 | G9 |

Have fun with this. Try different chord progressions. If it gets easier: start exploring this in different keys.


Hit me up anytime at if you have any questions, or if you would like to book a lesson.

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