

Some Guitar and Musician Memes That are Hysterical

Some Hysterical Guitar and Musician Memes I’ve been absolutely slammed this year with teaching. This has been my busiest, most successful year ever in my 31 years as a musician and 26 years teaching guitar. That’s why I’ve had a challenging time this year keeping up with the weekly blog writing. I just came up Some Guitar and Musician Memes That are Hysterical

The Dim7 Arpeggio

The dim7 Arpeggio Fingerings You can learn more about the dim7 chord here: The 3 Uses of the dim7 Chord. The formula of the dim7 chord is: 1 b3 b5 bb7 When you would play this formula on 1 string, you’d notice that all notes are spaced evenly in four 3-fret intervals. The dim7 chord The Dim7 Arpeggio

Soloing with Triad Substitution Pairs over A V I Progression

Soloing with Triad Substitution Pairs over The V I Progression This is a continuation from last week’s blogs: G and Am Triad Substitutions over a C Groove and Triad Substitution Pairs over The V7 Chord It is essential that you study these 2 blogs first before moving on. This will help you understand the material Soloing with Triad Substitution Pairs over A V I Progression

Triad Substitution Pairs over The I Chord

Triad Substitution Pairs over The I Chord Let me start by explaining what “triad substitution” means. The title says, “Triad Substitution Pairs over The I Chord” The I chord in the key of C, is a C chord. When the whole band is jamming on a C chord groove, and you are playing other chords Triad Substitution Pairs over The I Chord

Triad Substitution Pairs over The V7 Chord

Triad Substitution Pairs over The V7 Chord This is a continuation from last week’s blog: G and Am Triad Substitutions over a C Groove It is essential that you check out last week’s blog first before moving on. This will help you understand the material in this blog. Dm and Em are a really great-sounding Triad Substitution Pairs over The V7 Chord

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