Music As A Record of Human History.
I’ve been reading some interesting or inspiring blogs in the past weeks that I thought were worth sharing.
So this week, rather than writing a blog about the links between music and our identity, evolution, history and character, I found a number of blogs that all separately discuss facets of these interesting topics.
The following is an interesting read about the role of music in our evolution, identity, neuroscience, and history.
Music As A Record of Human History.
Why Music Can’t Be Beat as a Shaper of Identity.
A fun quick read about how music shapes culture and identity.
10 Myths About Songwriting Busted
Pretty self-explanatory: this talks about how you for example don’t have to write hit songs to be successful as a songwriter.
It also covers topics I already discussed in previous blogs, like how inspiration is not something you wait for or that “comes to you” but something that you create.
Your Mindset Determines Your Musical Success
This is a fun, inspiring read.
It’s not something we already don’t know ourselves. Our mindset is EVERYTHING in anything we do.
It’s close to impossible to achieve any level of fantastic success in anything if the mindset isn’t right.
But this read is inspiring because it specifically talks about why you need an “I don’t want to, but I will anyway” mindset in music.
That title alone should touch a nerve with anybody who dreams of doing music full time as a profession.
Well… Anybody who achieved a certain level of success doing music only knows that that success is the result of relentlessly pursuing EVERY opportunity that presents itself, despite being tired and worn-down from x number of weeks in a row with nothing but 15-hour workdays.
The feeling of being able to play music all the time AND being paid for it is priceless, indescribable!
But you need to make it happen, be proactive, and take on every job you can get because that is how you really move up in the biz.
Why you need an “I don’t want to, but I will anyway” mindset in music
Say It Loud: How Music Changes Society
This is quite a read.
This article discusses artists who use(d) music as a strong voice to create a lasting impact and change in political or societal issues that they feel need(ed) to be addressed.
Lastly… some country music.
I usually don’t care much for country music.
Nothing to do with country music, it is just a personal taste preference and has to do with what I look for in music, and with the fact I never listen to lyrics all that much.
All that being said: the storytelling in this song is quite something else and makes me really like this song a lot.
Hit me up anytime at if you have any questions, or if you would like to book a lesson.
These free lessons are cool, but you will never experience the progress, joy, and results that my students experience in lessons when you’re learning by yourself from blogs and videos.
That is why people take lessons: way better results and progress, much more complete information, exposed to way more creative ideas than you can get from a blog or YouTube video.
There is only so much that self-study can accomplish.
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